Friday, February 3, 2012

Whats wrong with me?

Whats wrong with me?

I am a very fun, yet serious and strong willed person. I have so many goals and plans made already. I'm only a freshman in highschool, but im more mature than the kids my age. I am some what abnormal for a teen in some ways... I would rather watch the history network or read a novel than watch MTV... I'm very artsy, and I am into fashion, alot... but I hate drama, like school cliques, I feel like I am above that kind of 4th grade thing... I have no close friends. I feel like a small smudge... I'm just small enough to be a nuisence, but not big enough to be taken care of or noticed really, by the people in my grade... I'm rarely genuinley happy with my peers. I am truly a fun loving person... I love dancing and shopping and all sorts of wonderful things... but i've always felt older than I am. And, that, I feel makes it hard for me to fit in. I have a hard time talking with people my age about subjects they really care about. Like how much of a slut so and so is... I'd rather discuss

40 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

38 minutes ago

food and wine, or how flappers did their hair in the 20's... or how I am going to design my home and garden. I don't think there is really anyone in my age category I can really connect with. Which, is devastating for me, because i'm a social creature, who is surounded by immature shallow bitches, to be honest.

28 minutes ago

I prefer to think myself "confident" as opposed to full of myself. I am never more of a braggart than the healthy small dose, to be used as a pick me up time and again.

Whats wrong with me?
You talk too much.....LOL
Reply:nothing, you sound interesting. dont think that theres something wrong with you just ebcause you haven't met people you click with yet.
Reply:I think you just need to find some older and more mature friends. I don't know if you can drive yet or have a car, but there are older girls that would be much more exciting for you to know. (I am guessing you are an only child)
Reply:i know what you mean, i was that way in high school as well. i could relate to being more artsy than the others. But I'm sure there is someone in your school who isn't superficial like the others, you just have to open yourself up more, and hopefully find someone who likes the same things you do. Highschool can suck when it comes to fitting in, but know everyone has issues with that, it doesn't matter how popular or not they are.
Reply:Well find someone else to talk to outside of your age bracket. I'm here! You can talk to me, although it may not be the fulfilling friendship you're looking for, it always helps to talk.....
Reply:Noting , you are beautiful
Reply:There's nothing wrong with you.Some of those people never will grow up.Consider yourself lucky!
Reply:You are smart and mature! Your friends aren't yet! Their is nothing wrong with you!:o)

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