Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I can't seem to find a hobby?

I've tried almosteverything: ainging, acting, drawing, painting, gardening, exercising, graphics design, sewing, and more. But, if I'm not really bad at it then it bores me or doesn't intrest me at all.

My suster loves to quilt (I know, kinda weird, right?), and my brother loves running, weightlifting, rocketry, biology, and electrical engineering. (total over-acheiver)

so how can I find/develope a hobby? I need SOMETHING to do!

I can't seem to find a hobby?
I like to pick up antiques at garage sales and flea markets and restore them. In particular, I like restoring old bicycles. You'd be amazed at how much you can accomplish with a bit of brasso, wood finish, wax, etc. You could try origami, or drawing. If you're discouraged in the art area try tracing images and artwork from rice paper to help develop hand/eye coordination, and you'll be amazed at how quickly you progress. Start with outlines, like comic books, and then move on to real photographs to develop an understanding of volume and shading. I also used to build models. If you're looking for something time-consuming, there's a good one. Balsa planes, in particular, take up quite a bit.
Reply:You could try photography, cooking, and piano. I've tried all those before and they help me get through a lot. But if you have enough imagination, you can use it to design or organize things. You could be a party planner, an architect, but most of the things I'm saying depend on how old you are. Just focus on creativity because thats what gets you going.
Reply:Obviously you like "doing something", how about building things? Try model rocketry. You must successfully build and then launch, and recover a model rocket. The rocket is not a toy, it will reach altitudes of 600-2000 feet depending on which model you choose and is reuseable, and give you skills your friends don't have. And you can do all this in one to two days for very little money. So if you don't like it you can move on to something else. But I will warn you -- many people who start out like this end up going on to engineering degrees in college and into NASA! So, don't say you weren't warned! I hope this helps you, Have a happy and rewarding search.
Reply:You should consider making handmade cards. I do that and I actually use rubber stamps from a company called Stampin' Up! and I LOVE it. I fell in love with it so much that I became an Independent Demonstrator and that also keeps me on my toes and busy. It's a very rewarding hobby and you are always going to know somebody that needs a card. It's so much nicer to get a handmade card than a store bought one. Anyways, you can visit my Stampin' Up! website to see a little bit of what I am talking about. If you like what you see then request a newsletter and I can get you started on the wonderful craft.
Reply:bird watching,or something to do with animals,i thought bird watching was retarded at first but its really entertaining.There reading.Volunteering also
Reply:try a musical instrument.....os singing.practice.practice.practice,to get good.......

free online. go. not kidding greatest thing ever. try making a zine or something. a small home made hand made photocopied book. and pass it out. its lots of fun
Reply:how about cross stitching.
Reply:Maybe it's not so much the act of sewing that bores you, but what your sewing. Try some different things. Maybe you might like sewing a hangbag, they are popular right now. Or how about a skirt, or a ribbon scarf, or stuffed toys for children in need. Or maybe your thing is really not sewing. That's ok, try knitting socks or crocheting a hat. You could try beading jewelry, candlemaking, crazy quilting, or macrame. How about some modern art from items discarded as trash or yard sales. You could get involved with charity work like helping out at your local animal shelter or nursing home. Many elderly people would enjoy you spending time just playing cards or a board game with them. If you enjoy children, you might like babysitting. It could be time well spent and profitable too. Do you have access to a swimming pool? Maybe you'd like to that, or rollerskating. Have you tried puzzle books, like Crosswords, Circle a Word or Suduko. Or maybe, your just one of those people that enjoys (in small amounts) doing a lot of different things, but not necessarily all the time. That's ok too. Try any small projects that you can finish quickly and move on to another. Keep trying. you'll find something you like and it make take years to develop into something you love. I hated the sewing machine as a teenager, now I couldn't live without my machine. My passion is quilting, like your sister, I'm a little weird too. : ) My favorite though is making quilts for babies. And when I don't know of anyone pregnant that I can make a baby quilt for, I make them for charity. And I'm still not interested is sewing clothing. Boring!!!
Reply:Have you ever thought of preserving your family's heritage? It sounds like a complicated idea maybe, but it's very simple. Create a digital storybook. It could be about your child, when you were pregnant, you and your husband's wedding or love story, your parents (where they came from, how they met, etc.), your grandparents or great grandparents, vacations, or anything else. I actually do this for a living now, but it started as a hobby. The first book I made was for my daughter's first year, the second was about a vacation I took to Disneyland with some friends, the third was about when I lived in Chicago, etc, etc. These books aren't the cheap, impersonal photobooks that you see at wal-mart or shutterfly either, they are quality, library-bound, hard-back, acid, lignin, and chlorine free books that will last in your family for generations. The best part though? They aren't expensive! If you want something to occupy your time, this will, because once you get started you won't want to stop. If you want something to occupy your time AND be worthwhile, this is definitely it--you will be creating family heirlooms for future generations.

Email me, I would love to help you get started, or just shoot you over the specials and promotions for the month, or both.

Also, visit the website to see for yourself:

You can also view my MySpace page to see some examples:

I look forward to hearing from you, best of luck!

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