Friday, February 3, 2012

Small birds cages, decoratio, finches?

can i use a reptile water fall cascading into a small rook pool in a cage for my birds (i have two budgies)

i am also wondering about getting finches mainly java and zebra (not to be kept with the budgies i know) so any help and advice is welcome

also i need help on designs of indoor cages and how i should go about building a proper avery/ birdroom for the garden like the legalities, designs and feutures that will make it look like a natural home

Small birds cages, decoratio, finches?
well sassy, i have in fact got finches and they are lovely! I've got a pair of white zebras and they are really easy to look after so much so that my pair have babies which shows a sign as to how happy they are! As long as you provide plenty of seed, water and fresh foods such as fruit and veg, you will have very happy finches. My i also say you should consider getting at least 4 as they do so much better when theres more of them. I had a massive parrot cage with about 15 birds loads of space plenty to do as they are very active birds. Unfortunately for me i had to sell most of my finches as they do make alot of mess, but kept my true pair for mating whenever they feel free.

As for your avairy, bigger the better birds need so much space each to benifit, there's sites on internet that will help you with this.
Reply:caging birds is NOT cool.

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