Monday, January 30, 2012

Does a fire exit need to directly lead you outside a building or can it just give you access to an open area?

Im designing an apartment and now that im putting the fire exits on place, must i put the door leading straight outside the building or can it go straight out to an open dining area which opens up to a garden? THe only reason why im hesitant to put an exit w/c goes straight out of the front of the bldg is because i dont want the fire exit door to ruin my facade. That particular area is covered in stone cladding and if i put a fire exit door, it wont look as nice. Unlike if i put the door leading the other way inside, itl just exit to the back (open dining). Kind of a long hallway but nevertheless straight out. Can i just do that?? Help!!

Does a fire exit need to directly lead you outside a building or can it just give you access to an open area?
check your local building codes
Reply:Needs by law to go outside the building as per code in your state!@~
Reply:Forget about your facade and worry about your lawsuit and prison when somebody gets killed because YOU didn't design the fire exit to lead OUT of the building to safety.


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