Here are some examples of what i mean..
I'm currently studying illustration at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, and i have to say.. this trend is really total bullshit. even the department chair of the illustration department is in love with this stuff. what is the point of even going to school if what they think true art is ugly drawings made by people with the skill of a 3 year old?
Why are drawings that look like "child scrawlings" valued as art?
I'm honestly amused by some of the answers in this thread.
So let me get a few facts straight:
1) To enjoy art you must have comprehensive knowledge of art history, otherwise it renders your verdict invalid.
2) Representational art = replaceable by photographs (I'm not even going to bother with this one)
Modern art has long abandoned the canvas and rendering techniques in favor of the pursuit of "intellectualism".
Except the scope of this "intellectual" pursuit is restricted narrowly to "current art conversations" and "redefition of art (please, how many times can you "redefine" a term before rendering the term completely obsolete? *yawn*)". If one's in pursuit of intellectual stimulations - don't bother with art please. Artists and art critics in general do not write with the clarity necessary for criticial analysis. The most common technique they employ is throwing out ambiguously defined phrases/concepts in an effort to make their opinions worth more than they actually are. News flash, being obscure doesn't make you philosophically "deep". If you wish to read articles for substances rather than flash, then do yourself a favor and pick up an actual philosophy book and not an art journal please.
It's not because one doesn't "understand" art. It's because it's consciously presented in a manner that is not only dubious (therefore impossible to be understood entirely) but feeds itself with an aura of self-perpetuating elitism, rejecting criticisms on a non criticial basis.
I have just four words for modern "art": The Emperor's New Clothes. Enjoy.
Reply:Better to have no skills than talk about and have strong opinions about things you don't understand Actually, the Nazis had the same opinion as you concerning modern art, it pissed them off as well. LOL!!! Report Abuse
Reply:Photography can NEVER replace representational art. Report Abuse
Reply:it's cos we still have childhood memories locked up in a part of our brain, these art works just brings them out when you look at them, though the person doesn't notice it,i know cos i done work in the neurology dept.
Reply:study art history, philosophy of art and aesthetic, you will find the answer there. its a long long story that you cannot explain here.
Reply:hahaha who knows man why dont u draw them a stick figure picture and show it off lol
Reply:On a personal level, I agree totally in that to me, these works have no artistic merit. However, art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. It is impossible really to define "art" as art to one man, is rubbish to another. I think most artists are trying to provoke a reaction of some kind, whether negative or positive is irrelevant. I've always hated Munch's "The Scream" but I have to admit it provokes a reaction in me - I wouldn't want it in my house, but yes, it's unforgettable. What bothers me more than puerile paintings is conceptual art - load of old bollocks!
There are still some wonderful painters out there though - I just bought a painting by Dylan Lisle - am craving this one if I win the lottery!:
Reply:its SO BAD/UGLY people must think its intentional.
i think people think drawing so ugly/bad is "raw" and that it brings out the "inner child"....but lets face the SUCKS. inner child my butt...they just cant draw.
Reply:If it's interesting and unusual to look at, if it makes you think, if it illustrates a point or a mood or an idea it's worthwhile. Who cares if the execution is not representational? Take a photo if you want to see what something looks like. The reality is that they're nothing like childlike scribbles, I've never seen child's drawings which looked like that.
Reply:Wow dude! Who made you the decider of what art is? I guess Miro and Kandinsky are just a couple of hacks eh???
You have ALOT to learn about what art is...perhaps instead of declaring your prejudice to the world you may want to attempt to appreciate things you don't quite understand...Art is more than realistic renditions - that's what photographs are for...btw, if you are looking to become an expert on bad art, and the world is full of it..., realize that people often disagree on what "bad art" is...and the reason for going to school is that, if you don't, the art world will consider you an "outside artist" and it will be more difficult to get your stuff into galleries...on the otherhand if you do go to art school and knock out "pretty postcard pictures" your stuff will be just like all the other "beige style" paintings that are sold at "Starving Artist" events...
Reply:Because some people belive that scribble looking crap is art! People have their own opinions about every thing even if some things considered to be great are just pieces of crap. Why do people like George Bush? why do some people worship the devil why why why..... Because when it all comes down to it if people like it then its considered to be a piece of art work so if a majority of people happen to like the work of a five year old well then there you see... it is art!..... Or it can always be that some people belive it is expressing something telling you something that goes beyond what you see a message they can see clear as day from the art and to them something that expresses so much feeling and could be portrayed by them is art.Sometimes its not all about how it looks it could be about how looking at it makes you feel.
Reply:We discussed this same thing in my art class. Same as like the minimalistic period...
I guess it's just the real concept behind it and how the viewer interperits it. But I still think you're a retard if you can actually enjoy looking at that stuff...
Reply:Some childlike people are great artists?
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