Friday, February 3, 2012

Are we the second creation of the gods?

If we humans are different from homo sapiens then wouldn't that mean we are the second creation of the gods? This has to mean that along time ago maybe even before the Garden of Eden was designed that something happened and mankind was destroyed.


In the Mayan epic of creation the Popul Vuh' it states :

Let us make him who shall nourish and sustain us. What shall we do to be invoked, to be remembered in earth? We have tried with our first creatures, but we could not make them venerate us. So then, let us try to make obedient, respectful beings, who shall nourish and sustain us.

The Mayans believed we were a different creation from homo sapiens and that the first Homo Sapiens were destroyed. Then does this mean that the gods went back to the creation board again to redesign or recreate man over again and this is where the 50,000 year Homo Sapien Sapien man comes into the world.

Are we the second creation of the gods?
Why do you think that this is the first planet that was created?Why wouldn't there have been many others before this one...many other life forms before us..? I wouldn't say that we were the second creation of the Gods I would even venture a guess as to how many millions there were before us. However referring only to the creations on this planet, I would tend to side with the ideas written in the Popul Vue. The writings of these ancient people were so inflammatory to the Catholic Priests that came as missionaries that they almost completely destroyed the knowledge of these long ago people. Pity there are not more writings. They may have contained the meaning of life stuff that we all long to know.

Peace%26amp;Love be with you...~M~
Reply:Well, Homo Sapien is used to refer to the the archaic humans we evolved from, while Homo Sapien Sapien is the modern-day human. So, perhaps we are.

but points to you for not thinking ur the center of the univers and all ur god cares about is you!
Reply:No ! We are the top of the line. Some day we will do it justice.
Reply:Huh? Wait, aren't we Homo sapiens? Since when have we not been? There is a second creation but we were part of both. There was a spiritual creation and then there was a physical creation. In the spiritual creation we were created and we lived with God just as spirits, ethereal and without a physical shell. There 1/3 rebelled against the established order and wanted to overturn it. That third was repelled and banished. This is the original truth from which the Popul Vuh' is based.

Oh the banishment was here on earth. Which we later came to live on.

We are a different creature altogether than any other kingdom. Though the technology that created them also created our physical, corruptible and mortal bodies. Hence shared genes with apes and organs similar to other animals like the hearts of pigs. Our spirits, however, are a different class than the spirits of animals or any of the other kingdoms.
Reply:Answer: If you look at the Greek Mythos, some philosophers believed that we were either the 4th or 5th try since the original creation of humanity.

The first extant account of the successive ages of mankind in Greek Philosophy comes from the Greek poet Hesiod's Works and Days (lines 109-201):

The Golden Age is the only age that falls within the rule of Cronus. It is said that men lived among the gods, and freely mingled with them. Peace and harmony prevailed during this age. Humans did not have to work to feed themselves, for the earth provided food in abundance. They lived to a very old age but with a youthful appearance and eventually died peacefully. Their spirits live on as "guardians". Plato in Cratylus (397 e) recounts the golden race of men who came first. He clarifies that Hesiod did not mean men literally made of gold, but good and noble. He describes these men as daemons upon the earth. Since δα?μονε? (daimones) is derived from δα?μονε? (daēmones) (=knowing or wise), they are beneficent, preventing ills, and guardians of mortal men.

The Silver Age and every age that follows fall within the rule of Cronus' successor and son, Zeus. Humans in the Silver age lived for one hundred years as infants. They lived only a short time as grown adults, and spent that time in strife with one another. During this Age humans refused to worship the gods; Zeus destroyed this race for its impiety. After death, humans of this age became "blessed spirits" of the underworld.

Men of the Bronze Age were hard. War was their purpose and passion. Not only arms and tools, but their very homes were forged of bronze. The men of this age were undone by their own violent ways and left no named spirits but dwell in the "dank house of Hades".

The Heroic Age is the one age that does not correspond with any metal. It is also the only age that improves upon the age it follows. In this period lived noble demigods and heroes. It was the heroes of this Age who fought at Thebes and Troy. This race of humans died and went to Elysium.

Hesiod finds himself in the Iron Age. During this age humans live an existence of toil and misery. Children dishonor their parents, brother fights with brother and the social contract between guest and host (xenia) is forgotten. During this age might makes right, and bad men use lies to be thought good. At the height of this age, humans no longer feel shame or indignation at wrongdoing; babies will be born with gray hair and the gods will have completely foresaken humanity: "there will be no help against evil."

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