Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's almost time for the ... county fair!! What's your favorite thing to do?

I like to watch my son ride the kiddie rides with his dad. (I can't even ride the s-l-o-w ones anymore--boo hoo.) I also have to see the paintings and the garden design entries.

It's almost time for the ... county fair!! What's your favorite thing to do?
my favorite thing, this is weird, but my favorite thing is the game where you win the goldfish. my parents wouldn't let me do it when i was little, but now i do it myself. I still have one of my goldfishes from september.

and the animal exibits and the food. and the food exhibits.
Reply:i like the booths where they sell stuff, some of the rides, and just walking around
Reply:I like the demo derbies-the big rides-the mingling with freinds-watching the kids have fun on the carnie games-seeing the ride lights at night-listen to the music-going into the livestock exhibition barns and seeing all the animals.Watching the drunks in the beer tent come out and stumble around-walking my wife around, proud to be at her side!!
Reply:I like the live concerts that our fair has
Reply:I LOOVE the photography entries. I also can't wait to get that big buttery corn on the cob, and watch my kids wolf down the cotton candy. We always look forward to seeing the baby piglets. I can't do rides, either! My husband helps out with that and takes the kids.
Reply:candy apples
Reply:i love to go see all the stands selling crafts and stuff, drives the hubby crazy. he likes the car races.
Reply:the over priced food is the best oh yeah i can already taste the $5 corndogs. king county, wa state is where its at
Reply:i loke the fair food
Reply:i love the rides

my fish

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