When science has proven again and again that we've evolved over the past six million years from...
To our human family of:
homo habilis...
homo ergaster...
homo heidelbergensis...
To the co-existing homo (human) species:
homo floresiensis (the Hobbit human species)
homo erectus
homo neanderthalensis
homo sapiens idaltu (archaic homo sapiens, our big brothers!)
homo sapiens sapiens (fully modern homo sapiens, us!)
And yes, there are transitional fossils, for those who want to bring up that argument, homo sapiens idaltu are the most obvious transitional fossils out there! Modern humans with the archaic, “ape-like” features of their ancestors, so those looking for the “transitional fossils don’t exist” argument, it doesn’t work!
Why is it so hard for ignorant creationists to accept Evolution? We did not evolve from “apes”, we ARE apes! The naked kind, that’s why we are in the family of guess what, GREAT apes! Our line split from the line that evolved into the rest of our great ape family (orangutans, gorillas, chimps and the most like us, bonobos) millions of years ago yet!
God created the universe and all of the processes within it, so why is it considered an insult by creationists that we have descended from a common ancestor? God created Evolution, and therefore, God created Humankind through Evolution, as Creation and Evolution go hand in hand if you can see the big picture! Evolution through Intelligent Design makes us no less special than if God kerplunked Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and we physically came from then (which is untrue – although there HAS been proven that we came from a Genetic/Mitochondrial Eve – cool!)
Besides, if NOT for Evolution, what need would God have for all of the above human species??? Why not just create homo sapiens sapiens and be done with it? Or does He just like to confuse His children, or create stumbling blocks for us?
And, as other Christians have called Neanderthals NOT human, why would they bury their dead -- only HUMANS have a sense of the afterlife and God, don't they? Neanderthals certainly wouldn't have buried their dead if not fully human! Neanderthals were an amazing type of human being in and of themselves, how interesting it would have been to live in a time when we weren’t the only human species around!
If anything, Evolution of human beings from our oldest ancestors to us inspires awe and amazement, not disgust and ignorance. Thoughts?
I’m a Christian who loves science, evolution and God, and threre is no contradiction in any of it!
Why do ignorant creationists continue to try to deny human evolution in the face of irrefutable evidence?
very simple, they have a conclusion first and look for answers second.
Reply:Why is it so hard for ignorant creationists to accept Evolution?
Simple answer, they are ignorant.
Reply:Sheer bloody mindedness ---They refused to believe the earth wasn't immovable %26amp; standing on pillars for centuries after Galileo--so I guess they'll hang on to their ignorance of evolution for as long as possible too!!
Reply:Dear Christine,
Don’t you get it? IF we are all descended form the same gene pool as apes then the “Flawless word of God” is wrong.
If the bible’s answers aren’t perfect then we stop looking to the priests and clerics for our absolute answers. And that would mean less $$$ in the collection plate.
Therefore the bible AND your priest’s interpretation of it MUST be perfect.
The answer is just THAT simple girl. $$$!
This is how The Extreme Right Refrain Fred Phelps puts food on his table… By standing outside the funerals of fallen solders, and assuring us all how God is killing our troops because there are Homos in the military. http://www.godhatesfags.com
His perfect answer is money in his pocket.
Reply:Hmm... It's obvious you know nothing of science OR God. There is no proof of evolution, the "proof" evolutionists use is not proof. They use inaccurate dating methods and claim things are millions of years old.
*This is fact* A live mollusk was tested for age and the test showed it had been dead for 2,000 years! Mind you, it was ALIVE!! So divide your fossils by 2,000 and you MIGHT get a real number...
Not only that, there is a LOT of evidence against evolution... It is obvious, however, that you never did any REAL research. You researched only things that supposedly prove what you believe. But have you ever researched the other side that counters what the evolutionists claim?
Actually, it is usually the evolutionists that are ignorant. That’s how so many “fossils” that were not real were accepted as authentic. Take for instance, the “fossil” that was created from a pig tooth! And the “fossil” that was actually made of the bones from a modern ape! And the list goes on and on and on…
You might love science and God, but you know very little about them. What you believe in is something that came from people that were taught Christianity by their parents but were taught evolution by their school. They were taught (incorrectly) that evolution was science and therefore could not be disproved, but still believed in God. So they made a compromise. I actually happen to know a couple of people like that.
Reply:You said it "IGNORANTS" you need say no more.
Reply:You are making personal attacks by calling us ignorant. That means you have already lost the argument.
From what I read Homo sapiens idaltu is described as a human not part ape part human. So you still have not shown me the missing link.
Reply:That's just Satan talking. We know that he just planted those fossils there to fool silly scientists who spend their whole lives researching when they can find all the answers in the holy bible.
Homeland security- that's exactly what she means. In science, theory isn't just a guess, it's a supported model. Evolution can't be repeated or observed and is more complex than a law, that's why it can't be called one.
Reply:they only part of science any creationist will accept... is the part that deals with finding drugs that make them live longer...
it is the only part of science they need because they know that eating the Bible won't cure cancer.
Reply:We have alot of homos in the family, huh??
I agree. I think people just like to repeat what they hear without thinking it through. It seems to me that God did create science so it must be here for a reason!!
For the record... I don't totally buy into all the creation/evolution thing but partially because I don't think it's important. I don't like reading Revelation either. I live for today and I'm not worried about where we came from. In the end, we came from God and I know that and love that. And we'll be going back there soon enough! Anyway, it's though provoking and interesting reading though!!!
Be blessed.
Reply:Homeland security-The theory of gravity is a theory. Does that mean it's not real? Moron.
Anyway, creationists tend to put on blinders every time something scientific pops up. They aren't mentally capable of accepting truth--they'd rather cling to their faith with all the ferocity of a man hanging off the edge of a sinking ship.
Reply:I am genuinely disappointed that members of my own race are still having this debate.
Reply:Ignorant creationist is redundant - and you've answered your question.
OTOH, I find plenty of contradictions in your bible - not to evolution, but to itself and rational thought. But that's another issue.
Reply:I believe in the Genesis account of creation, I just never bought into that literal six day creation nonsense, especially when the 2nd chapter clearly indicates otherwise. I believe the earth is at least 14 billion yeras old.
Reply:People who deny scientific discovery in order to bolster their own wishful thinking are like children who leave a tooth under their pillow for the tooth fairy. Only difference is, 7 year olds generally grow up.
Reply:isnt it obvious earth is only around 5,000 years old!
Reply:I read through the links. There are suggested time frames, and possible this and that. No one can say for certain even scientists
1. The were not there
2. The studies they do can only be based on the knowledge we have.
3. Most religions and science agrees that there was some major catastrophe that changed the world.
In that change there was chemical and physical so what makes you think all the tests and calculations are going to be accurate?
Besides -- this Mitochondrial Eve was supposed to be a female woman so where in your theory do apes come in?
Reply:Talk about intolerance and stereotyping!!! And so many accuse Christians of being intolerant! Most of the answers to this question lump all Christians into one mold. I am a Christian who loves education, science and God. There is room for both in my life. Creation and evolution are not mutually exclusive. We just haven't got all the answers yet. God only knows!
Reply:You′re right. Totally. But don′t get angry... It pleases them too much.
Reply:You answered your own question. They're ignorant of the subject. To a creationist the theory of evolution is this:
Your great grandfather was a monkey who crawled out of goo.
They clearly lack education on the subject.
To the person below me: Ignorance is the lack of education on a specific subject, not a personal attack or an insult. So basically, you're ignorant on the subject of ignorance.
Reply:They lack education. Lot of homos because we are hominids.
Reply:Why do you continue to taught that evolution was designed in some way when the idea of intelligent design was rejected by those very same scientists?
Evolution has been proven to occur WITHOUT the need or requirement of any form of superior being intervention.
Reply:good point! There is an explanation but the TRUTH on that still remains a mystery. We cannot deny that apes, neandrathals, and other forms of apes did not exist, or even Dinosaurs....there is physical proof that those primitive forms of life once existed. We also cannot deny as Christians what we know to be true in our hearts, that we came from our Father in Heaven and that we are created in His image. One day God will reveal all truth. Just an imperative reminder our souls are made up of spirit and body. Whats to say about apes and spirit? Did they pray to God? You either believe in God or you dont. I cannot possibly fathom a christian who has the fundamental belief that God is the same yesterday today and forever could fit such belief into a ape life style 6M yrs ago to say that they prayed to God and God spoke to them through angels or even a burning bush. Also, its ludicris for one to say that christians do not believe in science. If we believe God created us, then isnt that science?? People go to school for years to learn about the human anatomy....created by God. Such as the trees, sky, air, and every form of life that exist on the face of the earth. We also believe that all intelligence is Given to man by God....even scientist. Also I wouldnt go as far as calling humans apes....not that I think its disgusting its just that we dont go around calling chickens- eggs. Even animals have a respect for differentiating their kind. human beings are human beings end of story. That is why we cant get down to the nitty gritty of things because people come up with some exaggerated reasoning for where we came from and blah blah blah, THEN they think their reasons are logical and written eloquently, THEN they think out their ears and call it FACTS. It doesnt work that way. Would it hurt atheists to feel with their hearts? or are they afraid that they would die of a heart attack?
Reply:The real question is why is someone as seemingly intelligent as yourself asking such a simplistic question? It's more than obvious you already have come to a conclusion before even asking this, and it's evident in your use of "ignorant" as an adjective.
That's just it, they are ignorant of the theory. Their bible has deafened and blinded them to other options, they are close minded individuals, most of which have been so since birth.
25% of the U.S. is Evangelical. Approximately 75% of home schooled students are evangelical. This is because their parents don't want them being taught things like the evolution and the world being billions of years old. Why? Why if they are so sure of their bible are they censoring their children from an alternate theory? An alternate theory that says more than "god did it".
I hate to do it, but I'm going to have to go ahead and call you a hypocrite. Belief in christianity has no scientific base. While I respect your decision to have "faith", that is undoubtedly baseless in a scientific world.
So maybe out of all these people answering your question, you are the only one truly capable of answering it. You understand your faith and evolution, no one else does. What makes you believe in something that isn't scientifically sound while simultaneously arguing for something that is scientifically sound? Why could you of all people blame anyone for just believing?
Reply:Cause they know the Bible is ALL true, or ALL untrue. there are no hues in between. And they know they're doomed. they know it already. Christians at this extent are fish outta the water kicking for oxygen.
Reply:I love God, and Science
But sorry, I do not agree with Evolution
Man was hand made by God, not evolved from monkey
Reply:I'm not ignorant. in fact, my intelligence is far from that word. I'm a christian. i chose to believe in God's word over science. I'm sorry that upsets you so much. I'm caught up on my info when it comes to evolution. i just don't believe in it. i believe that God gave man the mind to try and figure out how this world and universe works. the problem with science now is that science thinks it is higher than God. or at least that's how people put it.
estee lauder